heyy i agree!
og outing sounds fab. we can do our og shopping then have og movie and og dinner.
and we must must must watch a very long engagement!
Gaspard Ulliel is my new hottie... he is so cute!
Audrey Tatou is eternal :)
and french is the most romantic language in the universe... except martian language.
ANYWAY. im superly tired and i really need to sleep..
hope to make it to the k'cove again tmr. BEFORE everyone leaves, this time!
YES go for band you all!! Though i am likely to leave for archery, i still hope everyone will go for the concert! BTW, we seriously need an OG outing, besides going to someone's house. I would suggest going for a movie and then dinner together. I wanna watch constantine. Woosh, Keanu reeves
ROX BIG TIME (especially in Matrix). And who thinks i am big mugger?
Can some one tell me where to find refrences to HTML codes?
oh i got it...
Birthday Boy
Cloud Gazer
I'm very honoured to have my name in
Manchester United colour.
Anyway I went for astronomy yesterday also. I saw some star called Siruis, and some other few stars which names I can't remember. Saw lots of clouds too. One was shaped like a horse, one like a dolphin, one like a key, one like batman, one like a mushroom and one fat cloud which looked fat.
Apart from seeing stars, I saw lots of couples hanky pankying in the dark.
And when Joella says OUR there's actually a double meaning ;).
im going to beat shou jie at blogging
hey again!
shou jie walks like a banana mehh? ok never noticed. maybe its because we walk too un-bananaish or something. do i walk funny? my sister always says i look like a tweety bird... though that has nothing to do with walking. hahah ah well.. im really bored and kinda tired. my hip hurts! ah and i DID make it to k'cove this morning :D not bad ehh?? i need to talk to everyone more though... i barely get to talk to zoe and joe anymore! ok.. humiliating/embarrassing event of the day: my friend and i were complaining about this guy in our class (who is really irritating) and we thought we were being safe about it cuz we were speaking in french.. totally forgot about aloysius who takes french too! (he was sitting beside us). hahah hope he doesnt blackmail us and tell the irritating guy we said he was incroyablement embetant :p
ok rant is over. see you all at the k'cove tmr !
love love love love love
hey all!
heyy all..
nat is back!
major apologies for my poor attendance at the k'cove the past week. my poor pillow suffers from withdrawal symptoms every morning... you cant expect me to be cruel enough to extend its suffering, can you?
french+ballet is a draining combination. épuisée, i am!
lalala ill tryto make it to the k'cove tmr morning. no promises but i am going to sleep at a record 11.31 (tres early) and i should be able to make it...
really crapping now... miss all of you lots.. especially nat tan who has been an expert at hiding from me the past few days. where are you nat?? havent seen you in AGES. (1 age = 5.02458790 X10^26 minutes)
ok ill find you tmr or something :) love you ALL!
Hello Ioren - Randomness
Hi. I don't like to do homework. It's very tiring.
Shou Jie should win best blogger award cos' he blogs the most here.
Liverpool lost ... AGAIN.
Scholesy sccored ... AGAIN!
Poor Darren Fletcher is injured ): That's why he had to come off at half time. He's been playing very well. I'm so proud of him. He wears Nike Air Legend. They're great boots.
I want to set up a new CCA, but it's such a hassle and I don't really know how to go about doing it.
I want some bombs. I feel destructive.
hey all!
hope all's well with everyone. just to let you guys know. the menu for saturday stands at:
pita bread
potatoes au gratin (pommes de terre au gratin) haha
chocolate fondue
ice cream
is that ok with everyone? tell me if there are any special orders and ill do my best to make it happen. bring your cameras so we can take a proper OG pic!
love you all.. cya tmr :) and starve the whole of tmr so as to not put on too much weight
helllloooooo darlings...hope life's been treating you fine lately. i was so damn bored today lah...civics in e morning then a 4 hr break before chem. haha, i don't think i was e only one stoning in sch right. my snr walked up to our table n half complained that we study too hard cos everyone was so bored that they actly started doing tutorials. was damn happy to reach home at 1++ today(i have nv got home so early before even in sec sch) ...cos yest i reached home at abt 9?? had choir practice till abt 7(i really have to get used to this) n then we went for dinner...yada yada. seems tt e place is buzzing with pple going for auditions n discussions abt what ccas to join blah blah. in case you're thinking of sthing to join, JOIN CHOIR. its fun...really really really fun; which reminds me i'm supposed to do an obligatory advertisement.
Wanna go for e MEP concert on Friday? haha. but yes yes...don't know how many cca's i'd join in e end...maybe i'll do another non core one or sthing, i really don't know.
is rj like the easiest sch arnd here to crash or sthing? seems no one ever throws e gatecrashers out here..while apparently vj n hc called e police or sthing to throw the pple out...which is kind of extreme i guess. i keep seeing my friends frm elsewhere walk ard e campus n apparently you just walk in through e gates n e security guard leaves you alone. HMM. what's that guy for then?? but at least rj is not tt extreme yet...st nicks had cameras that caught every single car that came in through e main gate. wait. the cars actually can't even come into e school compd. plus you've got to sign in at e counter. so parents n maids have to fill in like their names, ic nos. reasons they're there (having lunch/picking up kid/ no one ever fills in the real reason they're there...to gossip with e other parents) n e time in n time out.
ohoh, which reminds me, they've recently taken to painting e sch building terrible terrible shades of colours that clash....like pink n green. its so so so gaudy...sigh. n the worse thing is i don't even know why they're painting it!! i think its going to undergo renovation in a few years! i nv told you abt e st nicks building right. its not level.so you basically have to walk up then down then up again to get to the same level on the other building in e new extension. n when it rains, it pours. you could be walking out in e open or in the shelter n it wld make absolutely no diff. hmm. alright. i shan't keep going on n on at length abt nothing in particular n leave you with loads n loads of hugs n love...hahaha.
ps until i figure out how to change e settings to get my name in there instead of e word "non" i'll leave that ridiculous label there cos my dad wants e computer n i have no time to figure it out now...haha
Loser Train Stories
I forgot to alight at Raffles place today. I was taking the train home with my classmate and some of her OG mates. All of them alighted and City Hall heading towards the East, while I was heading to the West, leaving me on the train by myself. I decided to get a seat after they dropped off, cos the train gets quite empty after City Hall. For some reason I started stoning on the chair and at Raffles Place I was just staring blankly. Brain not functioning. It didn't occur to me that it was my stop. Didn't get up even after the doors closed. Then as the train moved along it was quite empty. I was thinking to myself "Hmm. why is the train so empty?" WOAH. Then I realised I forgot to alight. Had to go back one stop. Then at Raffles Place I nearly forgot that coming back from the South you had to change platform to go to the West. Fortunately the train directly opposite just left as I alighted at the platform, otherwise I would have rushed onto it.
Oh well. Such exhausting journeys.
Checking with my junior what's going in rgs right now. Apparently all clubs are now merit CCAs, so you don't get points for it. There are only 5 secondary 1s this year. All the club CCAs are going to slowly fizzle out one by one. I don't understand why they like to place so much emphasis on sports CCAs in Rgs. It's not like you don't learn anything out of clubs. We've also been winning trophies for the school and if they're not happy with that I can go back and take back whatever trophies I've won. Oh, apparently fencing is a merit CCA also. Anyway I don't see why they need CCA points under the Raffles Programme.
heyy all
im superly bored at present!
what is everyone else doing?
bored bored bored bored
nat is sleepy and melancholic cause coldplay is on
hey all...
im tired! staying back till 5.30 just to be LOCKED into a class for french is quite stupid. yup they LOCKED us in the room ok... and like did a run down of random rules. apparently if you're late 3 times you get suspended for 3 weeks. and the lesson is for 2h STRAIGHT with NO PAUSE!!! they took away our pause! basically the system is really strict and screwed up... i cant get over how they lock us in class..
ok im going to go back to being tired.
actually im supposed to test out the blog only, but wth.
see you guys tmr aiight! bya (thats my cross between bye and cya